Your child deserves the best!

HIGH FIVE is a comprehensive quality standard used by organizations across Canada. It helps organizations deliver high quality programs that are safe, welcoming and respect the individual needs of each child. HIGH FIVE is built around five principles of healthy child development. This ensures that leaders are caring adults and that kids participate fully, make friends, learn skills and have fun! It all adds up to a great program and happy, healthy kids!

HIGH FIVE Registered and Accredited organizations provide programs that:

  • Are run by staff trained to meet the emotional, social and cognitive needs of kids
  • Use child-focused policies and procedures for risk management and safety
  • Follow the five Principles of Healthy Child Development to ensure that programs are of the highest quality. 

That’s why 9 out of 10 parents are more satisfied after enrolling their kids in programs that use HIGH FIVE. In fact, 98% of HIGH FIVE Organizations have been able to make the kids they serve happier!+

 Learn Why More Parents are Choosing HIGH FIVE for their Kids


It became clear to me that when you have a positive experience with recreation as a child, it becomes a part of your identity in a way that has an enduring impact on your well-being. - Jen Goeres, educator and mom of two

What Should You Look For When Choosing a Program or Camp? 

  1. The HIGH FIVE logo in the program brochure or organization website.
  2. The leaders are confident and friendly. They treat all children with respect and honesty.
  3. The program content provides challenges that are right for your child’s age and skill level.
  4. The focus is on achieving a personal best rather than winning.
  5. Activities are well-organized and fill the time, with opportunities for children to have a choice.

Five Questions to Ask your Child


A Caring Leader

Tell me what you like best about your teacher/leader?



Did you make any friends?



Did you learn to do something new or get better at something?



Did you feel bored? Was there always something to do?



Did you have fun? What was your favourite part/activity?


+ (HIGH FIVE Impact Study, 2016)
*(ParticipACTION. Are Canadian kids too tired to move? The 2016 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Toronto: ParticipACTION; 2016.)
**(Resiliency and Recreation Summary Report, 2014)