HIGH FIVE® works with agencies and companies who care about quality and the well-being of Canadian children.

Representing 'the best way to play', HIGH FIVE® provides proven training and evaluation tools that set the standard for organizations offering recreation and sport to children ages 4 to 12. Join us as we deliver the awareness and resources to ensure every child enjoys the emotional as well as physical benefits of sport and recreation, encouraging them to stay active for life!

Demonstrate your commitment to the health and well-being of Canadian children by partnering with HIGH FIVE to reach families and youth in a meaningful way, affecting the lives of over 1,000,000 children every year.

To explore sponsorship opportunities with HIGH FIVE, please contact us at info@HIGHFIVE.org or 1.888.222.9838.


Thank you to funders who have shown support and a sustainable commitment to quality assurance and healthy child development.

Government of Ontario 
Ontario Trillium Foundation 

Local agencies which have volunteered their time assisting in the development and testing of HIGH FIVE training, products and tools over the years.