Managers of kids’ programming have a lot on their plates. From managing risk to establishing effective policies and procedures and building credibility, it’s difficult to give adequate priority to all of the moving pieces that sustain operational excellence.

That’s why more than 400 organizations across Canada use HIGH FIVE as their comprehensive guide to providing positive experiences for kids in their programs. It’s a proven system of tools, training and program assessments, backed by leading research in healthy child development.

HIGH FIVE gives you proven tools and resources to:

  • Manage risk by assessing your current operations with the QUEST 1 Tool.
    The QUEST 1 Tool is used with the HIGH FIVE Database to track:
    • Whether or not an organization has key policies and/or procedures
    • How they are communicated to staff and volunteers and others
    • Whether or not they are being adhered to in practice
  • Sustain operational excellence by nurturing a culture of quality within your organization
  • Ensure everyone understands what it takes to provide positive experiences for kids
  • Support strategic planning through scientifically-validated program assessments and benchmarking for tracking progress
  • Build customer loyalty and credibility through association with a nationally-recognized standard of quality for kids’ programs

HIGH FIVE is the go-to complete system for children’ program providers across Canada. According to a recent survey, nearly 9 in 10 organizations have seen increased recognition and credibility from using HIGH FIVE. 89% have reduced risk and liability, allowing them to focus resources on improving their programs.+

Quick Facts


of parents in Canada enroll their child in sports, clubs or community programs.*

Top 2

HIGH FIVE organizations say the top 2 benefits for them are confident/skilled staff and access to best practices.+


of organizations using HIGH FIVE say it has helped them meet their strategic objectives in delivering quality programs.+

+ (HIGH FIVE Impact Study, 2016)
*(ParticipACTION. Are Canadian kids too tired to move? The 2016 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Toronto: ParticipACTION; 2016.)